Saturday, January 2, 2010

Natural Remedies For Tooth Infection Does Anyone Know Any Natural Remedies To Help Get Rid Of Tooth Infection In Cats?

Does anyone know any natural remedies to help get rid of tooth infection in cats? - natural remedies for tooth infection

best advisers a veterinarian. Good luck.


Laika said...

Support by the immune system of the cat with some vitamin C.. . a professional cleaning, and yes, it will be necessary to treat the infection with antibiotics.

It is a condition called pharyngitis my new vet told me is very, very bad for cats. It begins with an infection of the tooth, including the neck, if left untreated. I have a new vet, because the others because I infect my cat bones cracked teeth one years earlier, had lost the annual report.

My cat was completed on acidopholous to restore the gut flora when antibiotics performed.

Maluhia - Peace

Random Man said...


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